Episode 409

Embracing Spiritual Warfare

In the midst of chaos, our faith becomes our greatest weapon - Wesleyne

Word of the Day

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. - Psalm 34:18


In this episode, I share with you my journey through a challenging season marked by spiritual warfare affecting every aspect of my life.

Despite facing immense struggles—business setbacks, family health issues, and emotional turmoil— I emphasized the importance of anchoring myself in prayer, scripture, and community support.

By leaning into God, I experienced breakthroughs that transformed my situation.

This message serves as a reminder that hardships are often a prelude to blessings and that surrendering to God can lead to profound healing and growth.


1. When feeling defeated, remember that God is not a God of defeat.

2. Negative emotions are tools of the enemy and should not be embraced.

3. Letting go of control and surrendering to God allows Him to work in our lives.

4. Fully surrendering to God means taking our hands off the situation and trusting Him completely.

5. Continually release worries and anxieties to God, trusting that He will take care of them.


  • 00:00 - Feeling Defeated
  • 00:58 - God is Not a God of Defeat
  • 03:18 - Fully Surrendering to God
  • 05:11 - Continuing to Release and Trust

We invite you to reflect on what you've gained from today's episode.

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If you have prayer requests or need support, please reach out to us at hello@askwesleyne.com.

What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to hello@askwesleyne.com

Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker

Wesleyne (:

For the majority of the last season of Daily Love Letters from God, I was under intense spiritual warfare. Every single area of my life was under attack. My business, my relationships with friends, my relationships with my family members. We were impacted by a hurricane.

We lost electricity for five days. My youngest son got sick. Then I got sick.

Both had walking pneumonia. It was a very, very difficult season. So difficult.

One day when I got back from the pharmacy picking up his medications, I just sat in the car and I cried. And I said, Lord, how much more, how much more of this? How many more attacks? How much more can I endure? How much more can I take? It feels too heavy, Lord.

and I let my tears fall and I allowed myself to grieve the things that I had been feeling, the loneliness that I felt, the hopelessness that I felt. But during that time, which was two months, so the entire time of the last season, I still anchored my day. Every morning I prayed.

Wesleyne (:

I spent 15 minutes, at least 15 minutes in silence, listening to God and praying. I read my Bible. I journaled. I recorded these podcasts for you because although the enemy was trying so hard to attack me, although the enemy was hitting me

every single part of my life, mentally, physically, financially, emotionally. He was unable to attack me spiritually because the way that I fight my battles, the way that I fought those battles was going to God, humbling myself, praying for things to change, praying.

for me to get through just that day, praying for me to feel whole again, for me to feel centered. And eventually things started shifting. One thing changed, the business started collecting all of the past due invoices. They just start flooding in.

And not only that, we had the biggest week. We closed more business in one week than we ever had in the history of my organization.

Wesleyne (:

and my son went on a camp where he did mission work and he came back saying before he was a lukewarm Christian and now he's all in and he's ready to give his life to God.

Wesleyne (:

and then I was able to take time away and just allow myself to decompress and feel refreshed.

Wesleyne (:

and I have my center again. So those blessings that were on the other side of the spiritual warfare of so much pain, of so much, the blessings, the things that the enemy was trying to prevent me from stepping into, from feeling, from receiving, I now.

and able to see I'm on the mountain and that valley was deep, that valley was dark. But I didn't do it alone. I went to God every single day. I prayed more, I read my Bible more, I listened to more sermons. I allowed myself to cleave closer to God.

I did a soul fast and a soul detox, removing myself from social media so I could have more time being aligned with God. And during that time, I also went to therapy. I also made sure that I did not miss an appointment. And if I needed an extra appointment, I reached out to my therapist. Because these spiritual battles,

They are not something that we can fight alone. They are bigger than us and we have to use our spiritual weapons. We use God. We use whatever type of support or help that we need. And if you're walking through a deep dark season right now, just know that it is not forever and know that you're being attacked, that you're walking through this season.

because there is something that God has on the other side of this for you. Something great, something more than you can ever think, ask or imagine. So stay humble, continue to pray, continue to do your hard work of leaving to God and releasing what the world wants you to be or what the world wants you to do. And today I stand here

Wesleyne (:

speaking to you and letting you know that this too shall pass. As heavy and as hard as it feels, this too shall pass.

About the Podcast

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Daily Love Letters from God

About your host

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Wesleyne Whittaker

Wesleyne is a single mom of two boys that loves sharing her faith with others. She started this podcast because people kept telling her she had an angelic voice and her prayers blessed them so much.

She spends her time helping leaders unlock what is holding them back personally from succeeding professionally.