Episode 325

Finding Peace in Jesus

"Prayer is the number one thing that you can do when your soul is weary when your faith feels a little shaky."- Wesleyne

Word of The Day

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28

In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus invites those who are weary and burdened to find rest in Him. This passage, spoken directly by Jesus, emphasizes the need to come to Him for true rest, both physical and spiritual. Wesleyne reflects on the significance of these words and how they apply to our lives today.

Jesus offers a rest that goes beyond physical relaxation; it's a rest for our souls, providing peace and relief from the burdens we carry. He encourages us to take His yoke upon ourselves, learning from His gentleness and humility. Our souls can become weary from the challenges of life, causing our faith to waver and our spiritual practices to falter. However, Jesus assures us that His burden is light, and He is ready to carry our heavy loads.

To rest our weary souls, Wesleyne suggests focusing on resting our minds. This can involve reducing exposure to stressful or negative content, spending more time in prayer, reading the Bible, journaling, and seeking God's presence. Prayer becomes a powerful tool in finding peace and surrendering our burdens to God, allowing Him to intercede and lighten our load.


  • Seek rest for your weary soul in Jesus, who offers peace and relief from life's burdens.
  • Embrace Jesus's invitation to take His yoke and learn from His gentleness and humility.
  • Recognize signs of a weary soul, such as a weakened prayer life or wavering faith.
  • Prioritize practices that rest your mind, such as prayer, Bible reading, journaling, and reducing exposure to stress.
  • Trust in God's promise that His burden is light, and surrender your worries and burdens to Him.


  • 00:00 Invitation to Rest
  • 01:14 Finding Peace in Jesus
  • 02:37 Signs of a Weary Soul
  • 03:59 Resting Your Mind
  • 05:20 Trusting in God's Light Burden

What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to hello@askwesleyne.com

Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker

Wesleyne (:

Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart. You will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11 verses 28 through 30. This passage of text.

when you read it in the Bible, it's in red. So that means that these are words that Jesus has spoken. And so he says, come to me, all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. How weary are you today? How heavy burdened are you? Are you still trying to fight alone? Are you still trying to do

everything on your own, to execute on your own, to pay bills on your own, to raise your children on your own, to save your marriage on your own. Jesus says, come to me and I will give you rest. And rest is the physical rest of sleeping. But when we are burdened and weary, physical rest does not help us feel rested. This rest is resting our mind, our soul,

everything that's the kind of rest he wants to give you. And he says, take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart. Jesus is our picture of gentleness and humbleness in heart.

and he wants us to come to him so we too can be gentle and humble in heart. Our souls need to be rested. Our souls each and every day, they're shaken up. The world is determined to make our soul shaken up and weary and feel burdened. And our soul isn't physically something that we can

Wesleyne (:

feel or see or touch or taste. And so how do we know when our soul is weary? When we find ourselves not wanting to pray as much or not wanting to read our Bible as much, or we find ourselves making excuses to not listen to the podcasts that we used to or attend a small group. That's how we know our soul is weary. Our soul becomes weary when our faith starts shaking.

Our soul becomes weary when the world throws us so many lemons and we can't even catch them.

But Jesus said, his yoke is easy and his burden is light. His burden is so light and that's why he wants us to give us this heaviness. He wants us to rest our weary soul. So how do we physically rest our soul? We rest our soul by resting our mind. Our mind works so hard and process so much information. And if we

Say, I am going to rest my soul this week. Maybe you're not consuming the same kind of content on social media. Maybe you have to tell people in your life, this week, right now, I can't have these conversations with you because my soul is where you are.

Maybe you need to spend more time in your Bible, in your word. Maybe you need to journal, write your thoughts out, share those things that are on your mind and in the deep depths of your soul and pray, pray, pray. Prayer is the number one thing that you can do when your soul is weary, when your faith feels a little shaky. Pray and ask God to intercede.

Wesleyne (:

Pray and ask to lean on God, to give him all of these heavy things that you have within your soul.

God wants your burdens, he wants your heaviness and he wants you to become gentle and humble like him and rest your soul. Be blessed today.

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Daily Love Letters from God

About your host

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Wesleyne Whittaker

Wesleyne is a single mom of two boys that loves sharing her faith with others. She started this podcast because people kept telling her she had an angelic voice and her prayers blessed them so much.

She spends her time helping leaders unlock what is holding them back personally from succeeding professionally.