Episode 342

Prayer for Emotional Stability

"Prayer is not just about asking for what we want, it's about surrendering our worries and anxieties to God." - Wesleyne

Word of the Day:

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."- Philippians 4:6-7

Wesleyne opens her heart in prayer, expressing gratitude for the peace and strength that comes from God. She acknowledges the challenges many face and prays for listeners, asking God to meet them where they are. Wesleyne lifts up those struggling with wavering faith, turbulent home environments, new mothers adjusting to changes, and individuals coping with stressful jobs and unhealthy coping mechanisms. She prays for God's guidance, strength, and rest for each person, emphasizing the importance of surrendering to Him in prayer. Wesleyne invites listeners to share their prayer requests and offers her support in prayer.


  1. Through prayer, we can experience a peace that transcends our circumstances, guarding our hearts and minds.
  2. Surrendering to God in prayer allows us to find strength, even in the midst of turmoil.
  3. We can lift each other up in prayer, offering support and encouragement to those in need.
  4. No matter our struggles or challenges, God meets us where we are and provides comfort, guidance, and strength through prayer.


00:00- Finding Peace in Prayer

00:58- Praying for Strength.

03:18- Surrendering in Prayer.

05:11- Offering Support.

If you have a prayer request, and it is something that I can pray over you for, send me an email

What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to hello@askwesleyne.com

Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker

and I'm happy to pray with you.

Wesleyne (:

Heavenly Father, today I come to you, your humble daughter, and I say thank you, Lord. I say thank you for the great many blessings that you have given me. I say thank you for the peace that I have, this peace that surpasses all human understanding of all the turmoil, of all the challenges that I've gone through just in the past few days and weeks and months.

The level of peace that I have, Lord, it is only, only because of you, because of the Holy Spirit that dwells inside of me. And Lord, I ask you to maintain my peace. I ask you to continue allowing me to control my emotions and control my reactions, Lord. You know how hard I've been working on not allowing the external circumstances to

impact my emotions, whether positive or negative, I want to be in control of how I feel, how I react to things. And Lord, I thank you for holding my hand through this process of emotional regulation. And Lord, I lift up everyone under the sound of my voice today, Lord, whether they're listening in their car or in their bedroom, or they're listening through tears or they're listening.

just to make sure that they can hear a word from you. Lord, I lift them up and I ask you to meet them where they are. We're all at different journeys, at different places along our journey in life, along our journey to salvation, to know you, to love you. So meet each person, Lord. Meet the person that is listening, that is struggling to trust and to believe in you.

Be with that person who has wavering faith. Be with them, Lord. Touch them and remind them. Faith is not something that they can see. Faith is just something that we do. We hold in our heart and we believe for it. We believe for it. Lord, I want you to walk with that person that is...

Wesleyne (:

As they wake up they're stepping into a war zone because their household is so full of arguments and strife and strain and so much Lord. Be with that person. Give them a calm spirit and a gentle heart and give them the strength to break the cycle. Give them the strength to let go. Give them the strength to say this is not safe for me.

This is not safe for my children. I must find a different way and Lord be with that the new mom the new mom who is loving her new baby and Still working through her body changes and how her life has changed would be with her and remind her you have given her the greatest miracle that You can give us the miracle of life

And as she gets back into her groove, as she steps back into herself, be with her Lord. And Lord, be with the person who is going to a job that they don't quite like. A job that is so stressful for them when they leave every day. They feel driven to do things to calm the pain, whether it's drinking or smoking or porn or...

social media, whatever the thing is, Lord, you know and they know and they keep it tucked down deep into their soul. Keep it tucked down deep. So be with them, Lord. Be with all of the people out there that are working long hours. People who are working continuously 10, 12, 14, 21 days straight with no break. Be with them, Lord. Give them rest in their mind.

allow them to rest their body when they can close their eyes. Lord I ask that you bless each and every person under the sound of my voice and again Lord meet them where they are, you know their hearts, you know their anxious thoughts, only you Lord. Be with your children today, now and forever more, in the precious name of Jesus I pray, amen.

Wesleyne (:

Amen, amen and amen Today I ask If you have a prayer request if there is something that I can come alongside you for Something that I can pray over you Send me an email Hello at ask Wesleyan calm and I'm happy to pray with you to pray for you Be blessed today

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Daily Love Letters from God

About your host

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Wesleyne Whittaker

Wesleyne is a single mom of two boys that loves sharing her faith with others. She started this podcast because people kept telling her she had an angelic voice and her prayers blessed them so much.

She spends her time helping leaders unlock what is holding them back personally from succeeding professionally.