Episode 377

Triumph Through Your Testimony

"Don't be shy with your testimony. The people that need to hear it will be transformed."- Wesleyne

Word of the Day

"They triumphed over him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony." - Revelation 12:11

Wesleyne explores the power in sharing personal testimonies.

Drawing from Revelation 12:11, she emphasizes how believers conquer struggles through the redeeming power of Jesus Christ and the courage to share their stories.

Wesleyne shares her own journey of overcoming abuse, homelessness, and personal challenges, highlighting the healing and hope found in Christ.

She encourages listeners to embrace their testimonies as a means to inspire others and weaken the grip of adversity in their lives.


  1. Triumph over challenges: Through the cleansing power of Jesus' sacrifice.
  2. Share your testimony: Inspire others and defy the enemy's influence.
  3. Authenticity in testimony: Be genuine and share your true journey.
  4. Daily surrender: Say goodbye to personal desires to strengthen spiritual resilience.


  • 00:00- Embracing Your Testimony
  • 00:56- The Power of Jesus' Sacrifice
  • 02:38- Sharing Your Story
  • 04:55- Living Authentically

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Wesleyne (:

How often are we compelled to share our testimony, but there's something inside of us. There's something that someone tells us that makes us feel that we shouldn't share it because it's too too much. It's too scary. It's too heavy. People won't accept us. People will shame

but in revelation.

But in Revelations 12 verses 11, it says, they triumphed over him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. They did not love their lives so much as to shrink from

Wesleyne (:

They triumphed over him by the blood of the lamb. So in this first hymn, it is lowercase. So we're not talking about him as in God. This hymn is whatever that thing that you have been dealing with, struggling with. Him could be a person who abused you. Him could be an addiction. Him could be your

marriage that you feel is crumbling, your children who you feel are being disobedient, your finances that are never right.

They triumph over him by the blood of the lamb. The blood of the lamb. Lamb is capitalized. So we know that lamb here is representing Jesus. And we know that he died on the cross for all of our sins and his blood by his blood. That is how we triumph. We heal.

have hope, we have faith because of the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. So when we get deliverance, when we feel healed, when we feel that we have overcome whatever that thing is, that addiction, that abuse, the financial destruction, the marriage, the

Wesleyne (:

Yes, the blood of Jesus will cleanse us, will heal us, but the word of our testimony, the power in sharing our testimony with others and sharing our testimonies is not always easy. In sharing my testimony of how I've overcome abuse in my life.

how I've overcome homelessness and how I've overcome so many things. And when I share my testimony and people see how I operate my life, how I'm free of anxiety and worry, and yes, I have hard days and yes, I have difficult moments, but I don't stay stuck there.

And the more I share my testimony, the more I am telling the enemy that he can't have my life, that he can't have my mind, that he can't have my spirit. That's what the word of your testimony does.

And the final part of that verse says they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Because every single day we died daily to our flesh, to the things that we want, to what we desire. We died daily. And so if we love our lives so much that we do not do this daily death to our flesh, then

Our testimony is inauthentic. Our testimony is what we think people want to hear. It's not actually our story. So triumph over him. Triumph over the addiction. Triumph over the abuse. Triumph over the neglect. Triumph over this pain, the sorrow, the marriage that you feel is failing, the children that you feel.

Wesleyne (:

are not being obedient. Your finances that are in ruin triumph over him by the blood of the lamb. Know that Jesus died to cleanse you of your sins. Everything that you are going through, Jesus died to cleanse you of them and by the word of your testimony. Know that your testimony is

The words that you speak are so important. The things that you say, how you have overcome, you are inspiring not only others, but you are signaling to the enemy that you do no longer have this stronghold on my life. So don't be shy with your testimony. Don't think that this testimony is going to alienate you.

from others. The people that need to hear your testimony and be transformed will be transformed.

About the Podcast

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Daily Love Letters from God

About your host

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Wesleyne Whittaker

Wesleyne is a single mom of two boys that loves sharing her faith with others. She started this podcast because people kept telling her she had an angelic voice and her prayers blessed them so much.

She spends her time helping leaders unlock what is holding them back personally from succeeding professionally.