Episode 386

Trust God with Audacious Prayers

"Faith is not believing that God can, it’s knowing that He will."- Wesleyne

Word of The Day

“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’”- Matthew 19:26


In this episode, Wesleyne highlights the importance of praying audaciously and fully trusting God with our most ambitious desires and challenges.

She shares personal stories of how, despite facing significant financial and personal difficulties, her unwavering faith in God’s provision led to unexpected solutions and blessings.

Wesleyne emphasizes that our prayers should reach beyond the manageable to the extraordinary, trusting in God’s power to make the impossible possible.

She encourages listeners to hold firm to their faith and trust in God’s ability to guide and support them through any circumstance.

Listeners are encouraged to embrace bold, audacious prayers and trust completely in God’s ability to fulfill His promises.

Wesleyne’s personal experiences demonstrate that even when faced with overwhelming challenges, faith and trust in God can lead to remarkable outcomes.

Trust in God’s promises, because with Him, all things are possible, even when human understanding falls short.


  1. When feeling defeated, remember that God is not a God of defeat.
  2. Negative emotions are tools of the enemy and should not be embraced.
  3. Letting go of control and surrendering to God allows Him to work in our lives.
  4. Fully surrendering to God means taking our hands off the situation and trusting Him completely.
  5. Continually release worries and anxieties to God, trusting that He will take care of them.


  • 00:00- Trusting God with Big Prayers
  • 01:20- Faith in God’s Provision
  • 03:08- The Power of Surrender
  • 04:30- Embracing God’s Promises

We’d love to hear how today's message has impacted you.

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Also, if you have prayer requests or need support, send them to hello@askwesleyne.com.

Your journey of faith is important, and we’re here to support you!

What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to hello@askwesleyne.com

Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker

Wesleyne (:

How big and audacious are your prayers? Do you ask God just for those safe things? The things that you just need a little bit of help with, just a little bit of faith with? Or do you ask him for those big, audacious things that exceed human understanding?

In Matthew 19 verses 26, says Jesus looked at them and said, with man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. When I think back over my life and I think of the big audacious things that I asked God for, the things that I had no sight to see, but my faith,

allowed me to pray and to trust God. I can look back and I can see so many ways that God has put a hedge of protection around me. He has removed people from my life that didn't need to be there. He has ensured that my business was flourishing. He ensured even when the business was in tight

tight financial strains. I never ever missed a payroll for my employees. My children always had food to eat. My bills were always paid. And sometimes I would look in my business bank account and be like, Lord, I don't have the money to run payroll and payroll is in two days. And in that moment,

An invoice that was outstanding was paid. Something that wasn't due for a few weeks would be paid early. And it would all work out.

Wesleyne (:

And in those times when I'm like, this is not possible, God. These people are not paying their bills when they need to pay their bills and they have me in this dire financial strait. I might have to do this or do that. God always whispers, trust me. Trust me. That is the word that I've been hearing from God.

continuously in the moments that I close my eyes and I turn off my mind and I sit in silence. I pray for a little bit, but then I want to hear God's voice and the resounding message he has been telling me is to trust him. Trust him.

And when it seems impossible by the world standards, when it seems that although you have miscarried multiple times and the world says you won't carry a baby to term or you won't ever be a mother, know that God, if God has told you that you will be a mother or if you will carry a baby, trust Him.

If you've gone through the devastation of abuse and divorce and separation and bad relationships and the world says that there is no love after divorce. There is no love after being in unhealthy relationships. You will never be able to be in a healthy relationship. Know that if God put that on your heart, if God told you that he was going to send you a spouse,

Know that it is possible. Your faith must be strong. You can't see it, you can't feel it, you can't touch it, but God has spoken it to you. So that is what you hold on to. Keep your faith strong and remember with God, all things are possible.

About the Podcast

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Daily Love Letters from God

About your host

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Wesleyne Whittaker

Wesleyne is a single mom of two boys that loves sharing her faith with others. She started this podcast because people kept telling her she had an angelic voice and her prayers blessed them so much.

She spends her time helping leaders unlock what is holding them back personally from succeeding professionally.