Episode 366

Unlocking the Desires of Your Heart

"Taking delight in the Lord is the precursor for Him to give you the desires of your heart."- Wesleyne

Bible Verse of the Day

Psalms 37:4 - "Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."


In this episode, Wesleyne emphasizes the importance of genuinely enjoying our relationship with God. She explains that delighting in the Lord means approaching our faith with joy, enthusiasm, and a genuine love for His presence. By doing so, God promises to fulfill the desires of our hearts. Wesleyne discusses various desires that people may have, from personal well-being to overcoming grief, and assures us that God is interested in all aspects of our lives. She shares personal examples of how God has met her desires and encourages listeners to openly communicate their deepest wishes to God. This episode is a reminder that a joyful, committed relationship with God is key to receiving His blessings.


  1. When feeling defeated, remember that God is not a God of defeat.
  2. Negative emotions are tools of the enemy and should not be embraced.
  3. Letting go of control and surrendering to God allows Him to work in our lives.
  4. Fully surrendering to God means taking our hands off the situation and trusting Him completely.
  5. Continually release worries and anxieties to God, trusting that He will take care of them.


  • 00:00- Introduction and Bible Verse
  • 00:15- Misconceptions about God's Desires
  • 01:00- What It Means to Delight in the Lord
  • 01:45- Joyful Relationship with God
  • 02:20- Desires of the Heart
  • 02:40- Overcoming Grief and Seeking Safety
  • 03:15- Sharing Personal Desires with God
  • 03:45- Personal Testimony
  • 04:45- Delight Leads to Fulfillment
  • 05:15- Conclusion and Encouragement

What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to hello@askwesleyne.com

Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker

Wesleyne (:

take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalms 37 verses four.

Wesleyne (:

People will tell you that God doesn't care about what you want. You just have to focus on living right, reading your Bible, going to church, tithing, and He'll show you what He's going to bless you with. He'll show you what He's going to do for you. But in this verse, it specifically says, take delight in the Lord. What does it mean to delight in Him? It means to enjoy the Lord.

It means to not just begrudgingly have to do activities or have to do things, but be happy, be proud, be excited about your relationship with God. And when you are excited and delighted about your relationship with God, so you have that joy, you have that bounce in your step. Anytime you open up your Bible, you're like, okay God, what are we gonna read today?

and you apply those truths to your life, that is taking delight in the Lord. Taking delight in the Lord is the precursor for him to give you the desires of your heart. So if you are not in a relationship with God where you are enjoying what he is saying, where you are enjoying the things he is telling you, where you are just enjoying being in his presence,

presence. That's the first thing that you have to do. The first thing you have to work on is being delightful. Truly, truly saying, Lord, I love you and I love this relationship that we have. And once you take the light in the Lord, he will give you the desires of your heart. What are the desires of your heart?

It could simply be to get a full night's rest. It could be that I want to lose weight so that I don't have to take any prescription medication. It could be I want to meet my grandchildren or I want to become a mother or a father. Or the desire could be something even more deep seated that

Wesleyne (:

you want to overcome the grief for the person that you lost. It could be that you no longer feel safe in your marriage and you want God to help you find a way to become safe, whether that's through counseling, through your spouse getting the help that they need or.

Maybe that's even having to end your marriage. But those desires of your heart, don't keep them secret and hidden. Those desires of your heart, those are the things that God wants to hear. He wants to know what is on your heart. What is heavy on your heart? What is delightful on your heart? He wants to know. And He will give you the desires of your heart.

If I think back to some of the things that I've had on my heart over the past year, I have had the desire for my children to be emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually secure. And if I think back at this past school year, they're in that place. They are completely secure in...

themselves and their relationship with God and their friends and at school and their relationship with their family. I have had the desire of my heart for my business to stabilize for the cash flow to not be so lumpy, to be continuously in a motion where I could plan and ensure that everyone was being paid on time.

we could start making investments into other things. And no, God didn't answer that desire, that request immediately.

Wesleyne (:

But he did. He answered it and

He gave me the desire of my heart because I delighted in him. I started my day spending time with him, pouring into my word, giving these desires and these requests directly to him.

So delight in the Lord. Enjoy your relationship with him. Don't begrudgingly pray or journal or read your Bible or go to church. Delight in it and he will give you the desires of your heart.

About the Podcast

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Daily Love Letters from God

About your host

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Wesleyne Whittaker

Wesleyne is a single mom of two boys that loves sharing her faith with others. She started this podcast because people kept telling her she had an angelic voice and her prayers blessed them so much.

She spends her time helping leaders unlock what is holding them back personally from succeeding professionally.