Episode 389

Keeping Your Faith Alive

"Even in the storm, God's promises remain steadfast and true."- Wesleyne

Word of the Day

“The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.”- Isaiah 40:8

In this episode, Wesleyne shares her personal experience of enduring a hurricane and the challenges that came with it, including a prolonged power outage and health issues.

Despite the overwhelming circumstances, she found strength and growth in her faith.

Wesleyne highlights that even when everything around us seems to be falling apart, God's word and promises remain unshaken.

She encourages listeners to recognize that storms may be a sign that God is answering their prayers and that faith and trust in God's word can provide strength and hope during difficult times.

When facing life's storms and challenges, hold onto faith and recognize that God's promises endure forever, even when circumstances seem dire.

Wesleyne encourages listeners to see beyond the immediate pain and hardship, understanding that the difficulties might be linked to God’s answers to previous prayers.

The key message is to remain rooted in faith and trust in God's eternal promises, knowing that He is with us through every trial and that our faith can be strengthened in these moments.


  • Even when facing difficulties, God's promises remain steadfast and true.
  • Recognize that the storm may be a sign that God is answering your prayers.
  • Stay rooted in faith, even when circumstances are tough.
  • Trust that God is with you and will provide strength through your trials.


  • 00:00- Enduring the Storm
  • 01:35- Finding Faith in Adversity
  • 03:15- God’s Promises in the Midst of Trials
  • 05:05- Strengthening Your Faith Through Challenges

Call to Action

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If you have prayer requests or need support, send them to hello@askwesleyne.com

Stay faithful and trust in God’s promises, even during the toughest times.

Wesleyne (:

Today, as I'm recording this podcast, I am on the other side of living through a hurricane. My sons and I spent 108 hours without electricity. Yes, 108 hours.

without electricity in Houston, Texas in the United States of America. And what this time that I spent without power, without internet, with the inability to work, to cool my house, my son was sick and the heat in the house.

I think exasperated his sickness to where he developed walking pneumonia. And then I got walking pneumonia also. So during that time, during that deep, deep storm, I, every single day I got up and I spent at least 25 to 30 minutes praying, reading my Bible with flashlights.

and talking to God. I went on full prayer walks. So for 30 minutes I would go, I would leave my phone here and I would just look at nature and I would talk to God. And I was asking him, Lord, I know that there's a lesson here. I know that on the other side of these storms, there's something, there's something that you have.

And I got to moments where I was feeling defeated. I was like, Lord, how much more can I endure? How much more? And I sent a message to one of my friends and I said, I'm not built for this. And she said, yes, you are because you're going through it and God's right there with you. And so in those moments of feeling defeated,

Wesleyne (:

and feeling alone because as a single mother who is the sole financial provider for her children and running her own business, everything is on me. It's on me to provide for my kids. It's on me to provide for my employees. It's all on me. And I was in a place where I was like, I can't even work.

to give my children what they need. And so I had to cry out to God. My faith grew stronger in that place because when we are broken, when we have nothing, when we are at that place of, Lord, I have nothing, nothing, and I need you, his face, God's

they shines upon us. So although I felt defeated, although I felt like I was unable to provide for my children, my business was running smoothly. The thing that I prayed for many years ago to have a business that operates without me being there came to fruition. My business was moving. We were getting new projects awarded. People were saying they wanted to work with us.

I was seeing contracts that were coming over to be signed. So my prayers from months ago were being answered in this season when I was going through another storm. So what I want to encourage you today is yes, you may be going through a storm. Yes, it may seem hard, but

I want you to remember this verse, Isaiah 40 verses eight. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever. So things around us may be going bad. We may see destruction and despair and feel defeated, but the word that our God gives us, that endures forever. What is that word?

Wesleyne (:

He said he will never leave you or forsake you. He will always be there. So remember whatever you're going through. Yes, it may be difficult, but keep your faith. Stay rooted in the word of God. And also be sure that even though there is pain and destruction and defeat and despair within you,

look and see is there a prayer that God has answered? Have you been praying to be removed from a situation and the storm you're facing is because you were removed from the situation? Have you been praying for a new relationship and now you're having trouble in that relationship? The thing that you prayed for, the storm that you're going in, it could

very well be because God has answered your prayer and once God answers a prayer the enemy gets upset and he tries to launch confusion and defeat in all of those things in and around you so be faithful hold on

to the things that God has told you he would do. And don't feel defeated. Don't feel despair. I know it's hard. I know it's hard. But God is there for you and with you. He loves you.

About the Podcast

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Daily Love Letters from God

About your host

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Wesleyne Whittaker

Wesleyne is a single mom of two boys that loves sharing her faith with others. She started this podcast because people kept telling her she had an angelic voice and her prayers blessed them so much.

She spends her time helping leaders unlock what is holding them back personally from succeeding professionally.