Episode 380

Prayer for Healing

"Even in silence, God is working tirelessly to shape our lives and guide our hearts."- Wesleyne

Word of the Day

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans."- Romans 8:26

Today, we are reminded of the importance of gratitude, faith, and surrender.

The prayer begins with thanks for the blessings of life, clarity, love, and opportunities.

It acknowledges the struggles and frustrations that come with unanswered prayers and the feeling of God's silence.

However, we are also encouraged to believe that God is always at work, even when we cannot see or feel His presence.

The prayer calls on the Holy Spirit to guide us, soften our hearts, and teach us love and peace.

It concludes with a plea for physical, mental, and spiritual healing and a complete surrender to God's will.


  • Gratitude for the blessings in our lives is essential.
  • Even when we feel unheard, God is always at work.
  • The Holy Spirit helps us find peace and make decisions.
  • Complete surrender to God brings healing and strength.
  • Prayer is a powerful tool for seeking guidance and comfort.


  • 00:00- Introduction and Thanksgiving
  • 01:00- Acknowledging Struggles and Unanswered Prayers
  • 01:58- The Holy Spirit’s Role in Our Lives
  • 02:58- Seeking Healing and Surrendering to God
  • 04:00- Conclusion and Amen

We'd love to hear how this message has impacted you.

Consider the challenges you're facing right now: do they feel like God’s pruning or cutting?

To connect with us;

What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to hello@askwesleyne.com

Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker

If you have any prayer requests, reach out to us at hello@askwesleyne.com.

Be blessed!

Wesleyne (:

Heavenly Father, today I come to you, your humble servant, and I say thank you, Lord. I say thank you for waking me up this morning. I say thank you for allowing me to have a clear mind, a clear heart, a full loving spirit. Thank you for all the people in my life that love me, that care for me.

that pour into me. Thank you for rest. Thank you for adventure. Thank you for obedience and opportunities. Thank you, Lord. And today I ask that anyone who is under the sound of my voice, that they can rest, that they get peace, that they find whatever it

that they've been praying for, wishing for, hoping for. Lord, at times, at times the struggle is hard. At times we feel like we are praying and praying and praying and nothing is happening. There's no movement, there are no answers to our prayers, but Lord, we know that even if we can't hear you, you are working. Even if we can't feel you, you are working. Even

even if we don't hear or feel or see or taste

anything. We know that you are working. And so Lord, as I feel the Holy Spirit filling this place, Lord, I ask that the Holy Spirit, the helper, the part of you that you have sent to help us continues to move us, continues to soften our heart, strengthen our minds, continues to teach us how to love.

Wesleyne (:

how to be at peace with the decisions that we've made, how to move forward when the time is to move forward. Lord, we love you. We love you so completely. And Lord, we ask that whatever within us is hurting, that is sick, that may feel a little bit broken, that you heal us, Lord. Heal us physically, heal us mentally, heal us completely.

But we surrender all of the things that we've done, the things that we've done against you that we know of and the things that we know not of. We completely surrender them to you, Lord. We love you so much. In your son Jesus's name, we pray. Amen. Amen. And amen.

About the Podcast

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Daily Love Letters from God

About your host

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Wesleyne Whittaker

Wesleyne is a single mom of two boys that loves sharing her faith with others. She started this podcast because people kept telling her she had an angelic voice and her prayers blessed them so much.

She spends her time helping leaders unlock what is holding them back personally from succeeding professionally.