Episode 397

Reading the Bible the Right Way

"Being a righteous person is not about quoting scriptures or attending church every week. It’s about being truly connected to God, repenting daily, and being filled with the Holy Spirit."- Wesleyne

Bible Verse as the Word of the Day

"Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."- James 5:16


This episode delves into the profound meaning of James 5:16, emphasizing the importance of confessing sins and the power of righteous prayer.

Wesleyne discusses how this verse is often misinterpreted, leading to practices that stray from its true intent.

Instead of using confession as a means for judgment or atonement by another person, it should be a way to seek support and prayer from fellow believers.

True righteousness, she explains, comes from being deeply connected to God, repenting, and allowing the Holy Spirit to work within us.

When we pray for others, not only do we help them, but we also find healing ourselves, as we humble ourselves before God and allow His power to work through us.

The core message of this episode is the importance of understanding and applying scripture in its full context, especially when it comes to the practice of confession and prayer.

Wesleyne urges listeners to not only seek wisdom in their faith but also to be the kind of righteous individuals who can offer powerful and effective prayers for others.

This righteousness is not about external religious practices but about an internal connection with God, daily repentance, and being filled with the Holy Spirit.

The act of praying for others is as much about healing ourselves as it is about helping those we pray for.

Key Takeaways

  1. Confession should be a means of seeking support, not judgment.
  2. True righteousness is about being connected to God and filled with the Holy Spirit.
  3. Praying for others can bring healing to both the person praying and the one being prayed for.
  4. Understanding scripture contextually is crucial to applying it correctly in our lives.
  5. Humbling ourselves before God allows His power to work through us effectively.


  1. 00:00- Introduction to the Power of Confession
  2. 00:58- Misinterpretation of James 5:16
  3. 02:28- The True Purpose of Confession
  4. 03:18- The Power of Righteous Prayer
  5. 04:53- Evaluating Relationships with Scripture

Take some time today to reflect on how you can be a source of support and prayer for others.

If this episode resonated with you, I’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave a review or share how you’re applying these insights in your life.

And if you need someone to pray for you, don’t hesitate to send your prayer requests to hello@askwesleyne.com.

Let’s uplift each other in our journey toward righteousness.

Wesleyne (:

Therefore, I confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5 verses 16. This verse in some religions has been taken out of context because it does say confess your sins to each other. And so in some religions and some...

Faith groups if you will They believe in confessing your sins to another person and that person is able to provide you atonement that person is able to to cleanse you to heal you to To forgive you of your sins But if you only take a portion of the verse

If you don't read it contextually and understand what the author of the text was trying to say, then you take it out of context. And not just this verse, there are many, many verses in the Bible that people take out of context. They apply it in the way that they want to apply it. They don't do deep study, reading different versions of the Bible.

going back to the Greek translations. And I'm not saying that you need to do all of that deep study when you are reading your word. But what I am saying is you should read your word so that you are able to interpret it and you are able to rebuff people who tell you, this is how it should be with the actual Bible.

The next part of that verse says, pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. So when someone is confessing their sins to you, it is not for you to be judgmental. It is not for you to be hard on that person. It is not for you to say, my goodness, I can't believe you did that. Literally, they confess their sins to you.

Wesleyne (:

because they may be at a place where they can't pray directly to God. They may be at a place where the burden is so heavy that they want to come alongside another believer, another person who believes as they believe and get biblical counsel and wisdom. And so we must pray for each other so that we ourselves may be healed. Do you see that?

Pray for each other so that you may be healed. I may be healed when I'm praying for someone else. Yes, I'm praying for them, but in my prayer, there is healing for me, the person who is praying. Why? Because I am humbling myself before God. I am saying, God, this seems a little bit off. This seems a little bit outside of my realm. So I'm asking you to work.

in me and through me to help this person. And the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. So what defines us as righteous people? It is not quoting scriptures. It is not that we go to church every single week. It is not that we know every single verse of the Bible and the books of the Bible in order. Being a righteous person.

is a person that is truly connected to God, that is truly repentant and each day they die to their flesh so that they can be filled with the Holy Spirit. And that type of person is the type of person that we should all try to become. A righteous person who is powerful and effective. We are powerful and we are effective because of the God that we serve.

We are powerful and effective because of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us. We are powerful and effective, not by our own will or our own might, but we are powerful and effective because of God's will and God's might. So as you step into your day or your evening, whenever you're listening to this podcast, I want you to pause and think about the last time

Wesleyne (:

You confessed your sins to someone else last time you shared the things that you were struggling with with someone else Did they pray for you? Did they come alongside you? Or did they try to fix you? When we examine the people in our lives, we have to hold them up to this litmus test this test of what the bible tells us We should be no let me back

Take that back. What we should do when we are evaluating our relationships and our life is we take Bible, we take scripture, and we say, is a healthy person for me. This is a person who I know.

Wesleyne (:

I can develop a strong relationship with. This is a righteous person that is powerful and effective.

About the Podcast

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Daily Love Letters from God

About your host

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Wesleyne Whittaker

Wesleyne is a single mom of two boys that loves sharing her faith with others. She started this podcast because people kept telling her she had an angelic voice and her prayers blessed them so much.

She spends her time helping leaders unlock what is holding them back personally from succeeding professionally.